John is the Director and the primary family counselor at The Buffalo Valley Counseling Center of New Columbia, PA. He has 26 years of experience. He is the founder of The Grace Recovery Ministry as well. John received his B.S. degree in Theology and Education from Pillsbury College. John and his wife, Celeste moved to Harleysville PA. where he received his M.Div. from The Calvary Baptist Seminary, of Lansdale, PA. John was a youth Pastor and teacher at the Calvary Baptist Schools for three years. In 1984, John and Celeste, planted the Buffalo Valley Baptist Church in Lewisburg, Pa. John was there for 10 years before going into full time Christian Counseling. John has a M.S. in Theology and Counseling from International Seminary of Plymouth, FL. and a D. Th. from St. Luke Evangelical School of Biblical Studies. John is a certified Addiction counselor through Life University. John is an ordained Minister through International Seminary. John has authored several published articles on counseling and Four books published on and is a marriage conference speaker. John and Celeste have been married 40 years and have four adult children.